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Cuba Education


Cuban Education: A Beacon of Learning

Cuba’s education system is renowned for its high quality, universal access, and commitment to literacy. With a literacy rate exceeding 99%, Cuba has one of the most educated populations in the world, a remarkable achievement for a small island nation. The country’s focus on education began shortly after the 1959 Cuban Revolution, when the government prioritized free education for all as a key component of social equality.

Education in Cuba is entirely state-funded, from preschool to university, ensuring that every Cuban child has the opportunity to learn, regardless of their economic background. The system is highly centralized, with a strong emphasis on basic education and vocational training. Schools are present in even the most remote parts of the country, including rural and mountainous areas, thanks to Cuba’s commitment to reach every student.

Cuban education is notable for its well-rounded curriculum, which includes not only core subjects like math and science but also physical education, the arts, and moral values. Teacher-student relationships are highly valued, and classrooms tend to be interactive, promoting critical thinking and social responsibility.

Visitors to Cuba may be surprised by the country’s emphasis on lifelong learning. Adult education programs, as well as medical and engineering schools, attract students from all over the world. Cuba’s medical education system is particularly famous, with the Latin American School of Medicine offering free or low-cost training to international students.

For those interested in education reform or social development, Cuba offers a fascinating example of how an impoverished country can achieve outstanding results in literacy and education, through dedication and innovation.

Cuban school class

Structure of the Cuban School System
Classes from: September to July


Age level: 4-6 years old
Uniform: white top, blue bottom, blue scarf Children are taught about their country, learn the national anthem, discpline, as well as regular kindergarten 'stuff'.


Type of school providing this education: Escuela primaria
Length of program in years: 6
Age level: 6-11 years old
Uniform: White top, red bottom, red scarf

Basic Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Secundaria Básica
Length of program in years: 3
Age level: 12-15 years old
Certificate/diploma awarded: Secondary School Completion Diploma
Uniform: White top, yellow bottom
Uniform: White top, navy blue bottom (Plantation Schools)

Technical Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Escuela Tecnológica
Length of program in years: 3
Age level: 15-18 old

Upper Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Ciclo medio superior or preuniversitario (Higher Intermediate Cycle)
Length of program in years: 3
Age level: 15-18 old
Certificate/diploma awarded: Bachillerato (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Uniform: For medical school: white top purple bottom




School education

Secondary education is divided into basic secondary education and pre-university secondary education. At the end of basic secondary education, pupils can choose between pre-university education and technical and professional education. Those who complete pre-university education are awarded the Bachillerato. Technical training leads to two levels of qualification - skilled worker and middle-level technician. Successful completion of this cycle gives access to the technological institutes.

Higher education 

Higher education is provided by universities, higher institutes, higher pedagogical institutes, centers of higher education and higher polytechnic institutes. All institutions of higher education are public. The Ministerio de Education Superior (MES) is responsible for policy in matters of undergraduate and postgraduate education. It controls teaching, methodology, courses and programs and the allocation of student places, as well as the specialization courses offered by centers of higher education which come under the control of other ministries. All institutions have the same status.

Academic year

Stages of studies:
Post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):
Non-university level:
Technical/vocational studies are provided in Institutos superior politécnicos. Studies last for two-and-a-half to three years.

University level studies

University level: Licenciatura:
The first and main stage of higher education usually lasts for four or five years. In Medicine, studies last for five or six years.. Courses that are offered to workers usually last longer than traditional courses. At the end of the first stage, students are awarded a Licenciatura or a Título profesional (professional diploma). Professional titles are awarded in all fields.
University level second stage: Diplomado, Maestría, Especialista:
Diplomado courses have three levels, each requiring some 200 hours of theoretical instruction, practical work, industrial internship and a final project. Students can gain academic credit towards completion of a Master's degree and are allowed to work on a Master's thesis as they progress through Diplomado studies. The second stage corresponds to a period of in-depth study and research which leads to the Maestría after two years. In Medicine, the first stage is usually followed by a course of professional specialization leading to a specific specialization. Especialista programs are designed for people in industry.
University level third stage: Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias:
Three to four year programs lead to the Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias. This qualification is required for entry to studies for the Doctor en Ciencias.
University level fourth stage: Doctor en Ciencias
The Doctor en Ciencias is awarded following additional years of scientific research. The thesis has to be defended before a jury, and once approval is forthcoming, it's then published in academic journals.




Teacher education

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers
A five-year course is provided for elementary or special-education teachers in Institutos Superiores Pedagógicos. They obtain the Licenciado en Educación Primaria or other types of degrees.
Training of secondary school teachers
Secondary school teachers are trained in Institutos Superiores Pedagógicos which offer five-year courses to qualify students for basic secondary and upper secondary teachers' certificates. They are conferred a Licenciatura en Educación. Admission to these courses is based on the Bachillerato.
Training of higher education teachers
Higher education teachers are offered specialized upgrading courses in the subjects they teach as well as teacher training courses. Many teachers are professionals from the production field. They also receive teacher training. Where teachers are specially selected graduate students, as has mostly been the case in the last ten years, they receive initial teacher training simultaneously with their studies.

Non-traditional studies

Distance higher education
Non-formal studies are offered in many centers of higher education which provide courses for workers in addition to their traditional full-time courses. Candidates must have completed secondary school, have at least one year's work experience, be between 25 and 35 years of age and pass an entrance examination. These studies are offered as evening or correspondence courses (week-ends) and generally last six years. There are also 'guided' or free courses open to all secondary school or higher education graduates.








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